Sunday, October 6, 2024

Volunteers Needed for Placing Flags at Cedar Grove Cemetery

(Courtesy of City of Williamsburg)

WILLIAMSBURG — The City of Williamsburg is looking for volunteers to help place around 500 American flags on graves at Cedar Grove Cemetery on S. Henry Street in preparation for Memorial Day Weekend.

After instruction is given, work will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 28 at the cemetery flagpole. Local civics groups like the Disabled American Veterans, the Rotary Club of James City County and the Salvation Army, as well as representatives from Williamsburg Police and Fire departments will on hand to help. Flags will be provided and all social distancing and mask protocols are recommended. No preregistration required. Volunteers are asked to just show up and pitch in.

Placing flags at graves is customary in cemeteries across the country, particularly leading up to Memorial Day. Arlington National Cemetery refers to the practice as “Flags In.” According to the cemetery’s website, every year since 1948, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment has been tasked with placing the flags in front of 228,000 headstones around the hallowed grounds.


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