Thursday, September 19, 2024

Avoid watering your lawns: James City County under voluntary water conservation measures

Areas outlined in red are under voluntary water conservation measures due to a water main break in the Five Forks area. (WYDaily/Courtesy of James City Service Authority)

JAMES CITY COUNTY — Maybe the grass doesn’t need to be greener.

Residents across the majority of James City County are under a voluntary water conservation measure due to a recent water main break. 

The water main broke along Route 5, just west of the Five Forks area, according to JCSA General Manager Doug Powell. 

A news release from the county was sent out yesterday asking JCSA customers to refrain from watering their lawns or starting new landscaping projects. 

RELATED STORY: James City County Service Authority Asks Customers to Conserve Water

According to Powell, the water main, located about 30 feet under the Powhatan Creek, broke several weeks ago.

While the break has not caused any issues for JSCA customers, Powell said that the conservation measure is a precautionary one in advance of the upcoming summer season, when water demand increases. 

Powell also said that his main concern is that JCSA may experience lower water pressure, which could impact the adequacy of pressure and flow for fire protection. Mandatory water conservation measures may be instituted if voluntary measures do not provide the required decrease in demand.

As to how or why the water main broke in the first place, Powell said they won’t know until they are able to reach the main. 

“We just need one more permit before we can start repairs,” he said.

According to the news release, submeter customers will not be billed the monthly submeter fee until restrictions are lifted. JCSA will notify customers as soon as the main is replaced, which is projected to be early to mid July.

Areas in the City of Williamsburg and York County will not be affected by the JCSA water main break.

To see if your neighborhood or area is under the voluntary water conservation measure, click here.


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