WILLIAMSBURG — During the March 23 James City County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, it was unanimously voted to approve allocating $324,000 for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation Construction and Maintenance Funds.
This budgeting is part of a continued planned review and approval process of the Rochambeau Solar Project.
On Nov. 12, 2019, the BOS approved a Special Use Permit for the development and construction of a solar panel facility at the Hill Pleasant Farm Solar Farm, 7150 Richmond Road.
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The project is still going through the administrative site plan review and approval process and land disturbance.
Construction is expected to begin soon, however a start date has yet to be determined.
In the meantime, part of the site plan requires pedestrian and bicycle accommodations along the Rochambeau Road street frontage, however due to the existing topographical conditions, construction of these accommodations are impractical at this location.
The applicant, Dominion Energy, asked for an exception to Section 24-35 of the County Code, which has been granted by the Director of Planning, a Paul Holt.
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“The purpose of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation Construction and Maintenance Fund is to allow the County to construct similar facilities elsewhere in the County where construction is feasible and where an important need exists. This fund is not actively used for new projects; rather, the County established the Transportation Match account in Fiscal Year 2017,” according to a statement from the item memorandum.
The next JCC Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for April 13.
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