Starting Friday, Jan. 15, contractor crews with the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) I-64 Widening Segment III Project are scheduled to reopen the year-long, single-lane consecutive closure on Colonial Parkway at the I-64 overpass bridges.
As part of the I-64 Widening Segment III project, crews used this closure to widen the I-64 bridges over Colonial Parkway while also maintaining the existing historic aesthetics seen along the Parkway, according to a news release from VDOT.
“The lane closure allowed for the safe removal of a portion of existing brickwork and construction of the new custom brickwork and bridge arches on the I-64 overpass bridge over and directly adjacent to the Parkway,” said a statement from the news release.
According to VDOT’s website, the purpose of this project is to widen Interstate 64 from 1.15 miles west of Route 199, Lightfoot (Exit 234), to 1.05 miles west of Route 199, Humelsine Parkway / Marquis Center Parkway (Exit 242).
Removal of this long-term closure will now allow two-way traffic to resume on the Colonial Parkway, with traffic no longer being alternated in each direction using a temporary traffic signal.
Temporary stops took place Monday night between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. to adjust traffic barriers in preparation for reopening the two-way traffic configuration.
Occasional overnight closures under flagger control on Colonial Parkway will take place as needed as the remaining bridgework is completed, according to the news release.
VDOT also reminds motorists to continue to obey the reduced 25 mph work zone speed limit on Colonial Parkway and to drive with caution when traveling in the project work zone.
All project work and scheduled closures are dependent upon weather conditions.