Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Get yourself ‘job ready’ with this free virtual academy

(WYDaily/Courtesy of Unsplash)

The job market has been a rough one this year, but hopefully next year will be a lot kinder to those looking for their next gig.

In the meantime, make sure you’re prepared to submit that resume with this free virtual academy.

Sponsored by the Historic Triangle Pathways to Independence, the city of Williamsburg has been offering online classes to assist those looking for work.

The city has been offering the classes once a month for a week since the end of the summer.

“We teach about keyword searches and application tracking systems,” said Joni Hall-Nate, job developer for the human and social services department for the city.

The course lasts for five days, with more than an hour of instruction and discourse each day. This month’s course will be from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

“We’ve had a lot of success with people getting jobs and moving on to training programs,” Hall-Nate added.

Before the pandemic, the city offered the Customer Service Academy over at Thomas Nelson Community College where people could take a four-hour course for five days and walk away with eight continuing education credits.

But since the COVID-19 restrictions, the classes have been canceled. Now, the virtual academy is working in its place.

This month’s course will teach participants how to write better resumes, prepare for interviews, and how to use online application systems.

To register for the course, click here. For more information, contact Hall-Nate at jhallnat@williamsburgva.gov or 757-220-6117.


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