People passionate about keeping the James River clean can turn their love into action.
James City County Parks & Recreation and the James River Association are looking for volunteers to spread awareness about stormwater pollution through art.
The event is open to those 13 years old and older. Volunteers can sign up online here.
“Using stencils of native plants and animals created by local artists, we will spray paint art on storm drains in James City County,” according to James City County Parks & Recreation’s Facebook page.
The Paint Out Pollution events start Dec. 7-11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. See the schedule below:
- Dec. 7-8 at Warhill Sports Complex, 5700 Warhill Trail
- Dec. 9 at Veterans Park, 3793 Ironbound Road and Freedom Park, 5537 Centerville Road
- Dec. 10-11 are rain dates
For more information or to volunteer, email or call 757-259-5355.
Masks and social distancing is expected. Volunteers must sign a waiver on site and transportation is not provided.