Parents and families might need a little help now that school is virtual.
Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools are offering another free, live webinar to help families tackle common platforms used in the digital classroom.
“Middle and high school students will use Canvas, StudentVUE, Office365, and other learning platforms this school year,” according to the WJCC Schools website. “Join us to learn tips and tricks to help support your child’s remote learning experience and get answers to frequently asked questions.”
Eileen Cox, spokeswoman for WJCC Public Schools, said the Family Academy is not new and is something the district has had for years.
Last year the program was called Parent Academy but the district changed it to Family Academy to be more inclusive.
“So it’s a whole variety of topics,” she said.
She added usually there are a minimum of four events but this year there will be more and tied to the learning path the WJCC is on.
For the virtual learning path, the district will have more technology resources “things that families can do to help create a more successful learning atmosphere,” Cox said.
Last month the Family Academy focused on Canvas, a learning platform used by students and more than 700 people tuned in.
RELATED STORY: WJCC parents can learn about the district’s virtual teaching platform through this ‘academy’
Some examples of resources and tips for families include making sure the kids get a healthy breakfast, having a dedicated workspace and going to bed early.
Once cold and flu season arrives, families will see more “health webinars.” All the webinars are available on WJCC Schools YouTube channel.
This is not the only resources for parents, though. Cox said families have access to other resources through the school’s Parent Academy, including digital resources videos such as how to access Canvas.
The Family Academy: Tools for Success in the Digital Classroom is Wednesday, Sept. 30 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The event is via Zoom and Julia Cooley, technology integration coach will present the webinar.
You can register for the webinar by contacting Felicia Highland at 757-603-6541 or by clicking on this link.
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