Do you know this person?
If you do, you might want to call the Williamsburg Police Department.
But they did not give a lot of information.
The department published a vague post in their Facebook page asking the public for help in identifying the person. Authorities said they’d like to question the person about a “vandalism incident” from a few weeks ago — on June 6 to be exact.
The post even asked for anyone who may know “the identity of this subject or have information related to this crime…” to call police, but authorities only referred to it as a “vandalism incident” without offering specifics besides a date.
They just said it happened in the city.
WYDaily attempted numerous times Tuesday to talk with the department’s designated spokesmen, John Heilman and Charlie Ericsson, but neither returned calls.
Attempts were also made to get a hold of Williamsburg Police Chief Sean Dunn and Deputy Chief Susan Galvin.
Both were not immediately available.
The posting is unclear whether the vandalism police was talking about involved the Confederate Memorial at Bicentennial Park.
That appears to be the one to coincide with the “vandalism incident” police referred to in the post.
It was June 6 when police said someone had reported the Confederate memorial at Bicentennial Park had been vandalized with spray paint: An “X” crossing out the Confederate flags and the letters “BLM” at the memorial’s base.
In an interview on June 16, Heilman said the department was not sure when the vandalism actually happened.
Police had no updates on the case since then.
Now authorities are asking anyone who may know the identity of the person in the post to call the Crime Line at 888-LOCK-U-UP.