Monday, September 9, 2024

Parts of Colonial Parkway closed for emergency project

For those who drive on the Colonial Parkway, a new route might be needed.

The National Parks Service announced Monday that a portion of the parkway would be closed due to an emergency stabilization project, according to a news release from James City County.

The closure extends from Highway 199, west of Colonial Williamsburg, to Jamestown island and will last approximately 60 to 90 days.

The 8.6-mile segment will be closed to vehicle traffic but open to bicyclists and pedestrians who should maintain proper social distancing and safety precautions during the pandemic.

Blue Construction Services will begin the project Monday which will stabilize the James River shoreline adjacent to the Orientation Map pullout, near kilometer marker 27. The area will be closed due to safety concerns surrounding the project.

For more information, visit the National Parks Service online.


Alexa Doiron
Alexa Doiron
Alexa Doiron is a multimedia reporter for WYDaily. She graduated from Roanoke College and is currently working on a master’s degree in English at Virginia Commonwealth University. Alexa was born and raised in Williamsburg and enjoys writing stories about local flair. She began her career in journalism at the Warhill High School newspaper and, eight years later, still loves it. After working as a news editor in Blacksburg, Va., Alexa missed Williamsburg and decided to come back home. In her free time, she enjoys reading Jane Austen and playing with her puppy, Poe. Alexa can be reached at

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