Thursday, September 12, 2024

COVID-19 causing dramatic increase in the demand for Virginia Beach waste collections

Since the issuance of the Governor’s Stay-at-Home order, more people have been eating at home, shopping from home, and tackling those long-neglected garage cleanouts and yard projects.

The result is a dramatic increase in the demand for waste collections and disposal services during a time when the availability of the Virginia Beach Waste Management staff has been severely limited due to childcare and quarantine related leave, according to a press release.

Waste Management staff compared April 3- April 27, 2020 to the same time last year. According to data sent by the City, curbside of trash collection saw a 19% increase, yard waste saw a 19% increase and recycling saw a 23% increase from April of last year to the same time this year. Customer calls also made a large jump. City officials say they had a 45% increase of calls to their center this past April.

(Courtesy Virginia Beach Public Works)

How can you help? The city is asking for patience and understanding and know that the Virginia Beach Waste Management staff is working hard to provide the highest level of service possible.

Also, make sure that what you set to the curb is within regulation and that, if it’s a bulky item, you’ve requested that type of service from their Customer Service Department.

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