In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Virginia, several localities across the Peninsula have declared local states of emergency, closing city offices and other community facilities.
Universities, museums and other community organizations have also closed out of concern for the coronavirus.
On Thursday, Gov. Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency and the next day, ordered all K-12 schools to close for a minimum of two weeks.
As of Saturday, there are eight positive cases of the coronavirus in James City County, according to the Virginia Department of Health.
The Peninsula Health District, which covers the Peninsula, has a COVID-19 call center open starting March 14 at 8 a.m. The number is 757-594-7069.
WYDaily has compiled a list of closures on the Peninsula from Williamsburg, York County, James City County, Hampton and Newport News. This list will be updated as needed.
COVID-19 Hotline for general questions about city actions and current status: 757-259-7200.
- Quarterpath Recreation Center, closed through March 16.
- Greater Williamsburg Business Council, all events postponed until further notice.
- Municipal Building, closed through March 16.
- Stryker Center, closed until March 16.
- Williamsburg Police Department, closed to the public through March 16, no tours or visits. Police officers will be on duty; employees are still working.
- Williamsburg Fire Station, closed to the public through March 16, no tours or visits. Fire personnel on duty; employees are still working.
- WATA service for Routes 1, 2, 3 and 5, suspended starting March 16-27.
- Waller Mill Park, closed through March 30.
- Playgrounds closed until further notice:
- Kiwanis Park
- Waller Mill Park
- Highland Park
- Quarterpark Park
- Strawberry Plains
- Wales Park
- Planning Commission meeting, scheduled for March 18, canceled.
- Architectural Review Board ARB meeting, scheduled for March 24, canceled.
- Neighborhood Relations Committee NRC meeting, scheduled for March 24, canceled.
- Planning Commission Work Session, scheduled for March 25, canceled.
- The DEA Drug Take Back Event, scheduled for April 25, canceled.
- City offices, closed to the public through March 30. City staff now teleworking and required on-premise staff will practice social distancing and regularly disinfect surfaces.
James City County
- Williamsburg Regional Library, closed March 13 through Monday.
- County Parks, open. Gatherings of 10 or more people in any park area will be asked to separate or leave the facilities
- Convenience Center on Jolly Pond Road, open.
- Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail, in-person visitation, weekender sentences and all volunteer programs are suspended through April 3. One free 15 minute video chat will be available once a week to each inmate via Global Tel Link.
- Basketball courts, tennis courts, skate park, athletic fields and all school courts, closed through March 29.
- City offices, closed through March 29.
- County facilities, closed through March 29.
- Playgrounds, closed through March 29.
- Recreation centers, closed through March 29.
- All James City Service Authority service disconnections, suspended.
- Planning Commission Development Review Committee meeting scheduled for March 25, rescheduled to April 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the James City County Board Room, 101-F Mounts Bay Road to consider the Freedom Park Master Plan and consistency. Questions? Call 757-253-6685 or email
- Historical Commission Meeting scheduled for March 26, canceled.
York County
- Senior Center of York, all programs suspended starting March 16 for 30 days.
- County offices, closed through March 27.
- Tabb and Yorktown libraries, closed through March 27.
- Parks & Recreation, programs and activities suspended through April 12.
- All library programs, canceled through April 30.
- Little League activities, suspended until April 6.
- All County Parks, including the McReynolds Athletic Complex, open.
- Playgrounds closed until further notice:
- Charles Brown Park
- Kiln Creek Park
- McReynolds Athletic Center
- New Quarter Park
- All school sites
- All Circuit and General District courts non-essential and non-emergency court proceedings, suspended until April 6. For more information or to speak with a court clerk, call one of the following numbers:
- Circuit Court: 757-890-3350
- General District Court: 757-890-3450
- Juvenile and Domestic Relations: 757-890-3401
- Planning Commission meeting scheduled for April 8, cancelled.
- York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office Gun Safety Class scheduled for March 31, cancelled.
- Community centers, closed starting March 16-29.
- Libraries, closed starting March 16-29.
- City hall, closed starting March 16-29. Drop boxes are available outside so residents can submit applications, plans, and other documents.
- DMV Select offices at the Hampton Treasurer’s Office are closed until further notice.
- Boo Williams Sportsplex all March events and the walking program is canceled for the next three weeks.
- Hampton Senior Center, closed starting March 16.
- Hampton Coliseum, all events canceled until further notice.
- Hampton Roads Convention Center, all events canceled until further notice.
- Hampton School Board meeting, scheduled for March 25, canceled. Next meeting is scheduled for April 15 at the Ruppert Sargent Building.
- All city events scheduled through March have been canceled or postponed.
- All city offices, facilities, playgrounds, recreation centers, and libraries, closed to the public through March 29. All essential services remain available.
- Trash and recycling pick-up will continue as scheduled.
- City parks buildings including community centers and golf courses, closed through March 29.
Newport News
Residents can call the city’s 311 Call Center at 933-2311 or via email at
- Weekender and volunteer programs at Sheriff’s Office, suspended.
- Active Lifestyle regular programs suspended March 16-29.
- Youth Programs suspended March 16-27.
- Athletic activities suspended March 16-29.
- All city offices, facilities and buildings, closed through March 29. Click here for a full list of office closures.
- All city sponsored events, programs, classes and activities, canceled through March 29.
- Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter, open.
- Solid waste collections, open.
- Parks, including campgrounds and golf course, open at this time.
- Department of Human Services, limited hours. Clients can call 926-6300.
- Recovery Operations Center, closed to the public though March 29.
- Newport News Police Museum, closed until further notice.
- Sheriff’s office, in-person visitation is suspended until further notice. Video visitation is available.
- Juvenile Services, in-person visitation is suspended until further notice.
- All civil, traffic and criminal matters, including jury trials, subject to a defendant’s right to a speedy trial, postponed until April 6. Exceptions are emergency matters, including but not limited to: Quarantine or isolation matters, arraignments, bail reviews, protective order cases, emergency child custody or protection cases, and civil commitment hearings. Ongoing jury trials and cases where defendant is in jail, are up to the judge’s discretion. Questions? Contact the appropriate court below:
- Circuit Court: 926-8561
- Juvenile & Domestic Court: 926-3603
- General District Court
- Civil Division: 926-3520
- Criminal Division: 926-8811
- Traffic Division: 926-8725
- NNPS’ Budget Public Hearing, rescheduled for March 24 at the regular School Board meeting. Open to the public and essential personnel only. You can leave feedback for the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget for 2020-21 here.
- Waterworks suspended all service disconnections, suspended through March 29. Exceptions are customer-generated requests and to make a repair.
- James River Fishing Pier, closed until further notice.
- City parks, open. Restroom facilities are closed until further notice. Picnic shelter reservations are unavailable til mid-April.
- City Council meeting about coronavirus updates will be live-streamed on March 23 at 6 p.m. Regular meeting and work sessions, scheduled for March 24, canceled.
K-12 Schools
- All K-12 schools, closed for the remainder of the academic year.
- SAT testing in WJCC is cancelled for March 14.
- SAT testing at Heritage and Denbigh High School, canceled Saturday. Rescheduled for March 28.
- Williamsburg Christian Academy, closed through April 14, online classes begin March 16.
- Walsingham Academy, closed March 13, online classes begin March 19.
- JCC REC Connect before and after school program, closed from March 16-27.
- York County Public Schools
- Alternating day schedules because of the Grafton School Complex fire are suspended.
- PreK-5: Mathematics and English course packets available by pick-up on March 16. Principals will share pick-up times and locations.
- Grades 6-12: Online course plans available via Aspen on March 16 by 5 p.m. Families who reported a need of home-learning support devices will be contacted directly.
- Medications & Belongings: Parents must contact the school to schedule a pick-up time for March 16.
- Student Meals: Meals-To-Go bags available at Magruder Elementary School, York and Tabb High School on Mondays and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting March 16. Each bag has food for multiple days.
- Hampton City Schools
- Packaged Meals: 2 free meals for anyone 18 years and younger on Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Aberdeen Elementary School, Cary Elementary School, Langley Elementary School, Moton Early Childhood Center, Hampton High School, Syms Middle School and Tarrant Middle School. Special meals accommodations are based on student’s 2019-2020 medical note on file. If a special meal is required, call 757-727-2350.
- All schools and offices, closed Tuesday, March 17. Staff members will be e-commuting.
- PreK-5: Learning packets available for pick-up at the Syms and Tarrant Middle Schools on March 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is the final opportunity to pick up a PreK-4 and/or 5th grade Alternative Learning Packet however, learning packets are available on the division’s Alternative Learning Plan website.
- Grades 5-12: Students can use chromebooks to access the Alternative Learning Plans website.
- Questions? Email your student’s school principal and/or your child’s teacher. You can also call 757-727-2000 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 17. After 1 p.m. tomorrow, please leave a message and a staff member will return your call as soon as possible between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday-Friday.
- Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools
- Grab and Go meals: Bags with two days’ worth of breakfast and lunch items for pick-up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the following locations: James River Elementary Schools, James Blair Middle School, Toano Middle School and Warhill High School. Students must be their with families to pick up a meal.
- Medications: Parents can pick up their child’s medication on March 16 from 8 a.m. to noon at school clinic. Parents ID and signature is needed and medication will not be released to students.
- Newport News Public Schools
- PreK-5: Learning packets available for pick-up at respective schools on March 16 at 10 a.m. The bins are near the school entrance and packets are labeled by grade Packets can be access online. The link to the website will be posted on the school division’s website on March 16 and will be emailed to all families with an active email account.
- Grades 6-12: Learning plans are being developed in an electronic format. Lesson will be posted online each day and teachers will have office hours via email on school days from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Teachers will contact students by March 17 with more information.
Students should strive to complete all of the lessons; however, students will be provided time to complete any incomplete lessons upon their return to school. The Technology Help Desk is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. call (757) 881-5461 and press 3. Additional resources may be available for families who do not currently have access to the Internet.
- Check-out computers: Chromebooks are available to Grades 6-12 who do not have access to a smartphone or other device at home. A student ID number and photo ID will be required at the time of checkout. Limit one device per household on first come, first serve basis on March 16 from noon to 4 p.m. and March 17 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the following locations An Achievable Dream Academy, Epes Elementary School, Heritage High School, McIntosh Elementary School, Palmer Elementary School and Warwick High School.
- Student Meals: Meals-to-go include a lunch and a breakfast snack and are available for pick up each weekday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the following locations: An Achievable Dream Academy, Epes Elementary School, Heritage High School, McIntosh Elementary School, Palmer Elementary School and Warwick High School.
Other meals-to-go pick-up sites are listed below and operate from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. each weekday:
- Courthouse Way Community, Corner of Old Courthouse Way & Circuit Ln.
- Tillerson Community, Corner of Tillerson Dr. & Alan Dr.
- Peninsula Boys & Girls Club, 429 Thorncliff Dr.
- Lee’s Mill Community, Corner of Lee’s Mill Dr. & Charles St.
- J. Clyde Area/Midtown (near Rite Aid), Forrest Dr. & Woods Dr.
- Aqueduct Community, Corner of Colony Rd. & Aqueduct Dr.
- South Morrison Family Learning Center, 746 Adams Dr.
- Boys & Girls Club – Tyler Ave., 95 North Tyler Ave.
- Hogan Drive/City Center Area, Commercial Place behind WaWa
- Marcus Drive/Abbington Landing/Waypoint Apts, Cul-de-Sac at Marcus Dr.
- Circle Mobile Home Park, Front of Rental Office at 6029 Jefferson Ave.
- Doris Miller Community Ctr., 2814 Wickham Dr.
- Boys & Girls Club – Greater Hampton Roads, 629 Hampton Ave
- College of William & Mary, closed through April 3, online classes begin online on March 23, all athletic competitions for the remainder of the winter and spring season sports have been canceled. All offices closed to the public, starting March 16 at noon through March 22.
- Thomas Nelson Community College, online classes begin March 23, the college will remain open. Spring commencement scheduled for May 14, canceled.
- Christopher Newport University, classes moved online through April 10. All athletic competitions are canceled for the spring season. All residence halls are closed starting March 16 until further notice. The offices are closed to the public through April 10. Recruitment and on-campus interviews suspended through April 10. Commencement is rescheduled to June 21. Students can collect belongings from residence halls starting March 20 through April 5.
- Saint Leo University, classes suspended through March 20, online classes begin March 23.
- Hampton University, online instruction begins March 17. All non-essential visitation, suspended until further notice.
- HU Easter by-the-Bay E-G-G-stravaganza, scheduled for April 11, canceled.
- 8th Annual HUPTI Gala of Hope, scheduled for April 18, postponed until the fall.
- Tidewater Community College, classes canceled Monday and Tuesday, online classes begin March 18 through the end of the semester. Spring Commencement scheduled for May 11, canceled.
- Old Dominion University, online classes begin March 23 and will continue through April 6. Campus except for dining services is closed until March 23. Spring commencement postponed.
- Norfolk State University, spring break extended to March 22. Online classes begin March 23 and will continue through April 6.
- Sentara College of Health Sciences, in-person classes are suspended.
- Paul D. Camp Community College, college campuses are closed until April 3. Online classes begin March 18. Spring commencement scheduled for May 8, canceled.
- Regent University, starting March 16 all class will be online. Campus closed to the public starting March 20 at 5 p.m. Students living on campus must remove personal items not later than that time. May 9 commencement will be online.
Community organizations
- The Virginia Living Museum, closed March 14-31. All public events are canceled.
- Mariners’ Museum and Park, closed starting March 14-31. All public events and programs are suspended through March 31.
- YMCA Virginia Peninsula locations, closed starting March 16-29.
- Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, the following food distribution sites are canceled through the end of April: First Christian Church ‘Hot Meals’ and Grove Christian Outreach Center ‘Wednesday Bread Day’ discontinued until further notice. Seton Manor ‘Senior Pantry’ to March 27 and Toano Middle School ‘Mobile Pantry’ to April 2.
- Rosie’s Gaming Emporium locations, closed until March 30. All Rosie’s employees will be paid in full for this two-week period.
- Jamestown Settlement, closed March 14 through March 29. Closed to the public and non-essential staff.
- American Revolution Museum at Yorktown, closed March 14 through March 29. Closed to the public and non-essential staff.
- Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation’s Central Support Complex, closed through March 29. Closed to the public and non-essential staff.
- Patrick Henry Mall, hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. Department stores, restaurant and exterior facing store hours may vary and change. Please check with each restaurant or store for the most up-to-date information.
- Habitat Peninsula & Greater Williamsburg operations, including the ReStore locations, suspended through March 27. Donation pick-ups and drop-offs suspended and all volunteers opportunities canceled.
- All Virginia Career Works Centers in Hampton Roads, closed to the public until further notice. Please use the telephone and internet for virtual services.
- Colonial National Historical Park visitor centers at Jamestown Island and Yorktown Battlefield, closed until further notice. Outside areas are open, but services will be unavailable.
- Four Oaks Day Service Center, closed.
- Brooks Crossing Opportunity Center and iLab, closed.
- Friday: James City County tops the state in the number of coronavirus cases. Health officials calling it a ‘community outbreak’
- Northam orders all K-12 schools closed for a minimum of 2 weeks
- VDH: James City County now has 7 ‘presumptive positive’ coronavirus cases
- Local hospitals are changing their policies to contain the coronavirus
- Coronavirus ‘presumptive positive’ cases reported in Williamsburg
- WJCC school closes after alleged positive coronavirus case
- Northam declares state of emergency; cancels all scheduled state conferences and large events