NEWPORT NEWS — Scarlett, the American red wolf, has died, the Virginia Living Museum announced on its Facebook page Monday afternoon.
“After all medical options were exhausted, the Virginia Living Museum Animal Welfare and Conservation staff made the difficult decision to euthanize her with full support from the Red Wolf SSP, Species Survival Plan, and the Brevard Zoo, her former home,” the museum wrote.
According to the Facebook post, the female wolf had a disc disease in her lower back and stiffness and limited mobility in her hind legs. The museum gave Scarlett several treatments but her condition got worse.
The wolf came to the museum earlier this year and made its official debut in August.
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She was placed in an outdoor habitat with a male wolf.
Robin Sutker, bird and animal curator for the museum, said both animals had developed a bond and could be seen resting together and sharing their den.
“Although she was not with us long, it was a privilege to have her at the Virginia Living Museum as an animal ambassador for her endangered species,” Sutker said. “Her loss is felt deeply by all of the VLM staff, volunteers, and particularly the keepers who cared for her daily.”