The Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Dominion Energy and several localities including, James City County, York County, Williamsburg, Newport News and Hampton will have an exercise on emergency preparedness Tuesday.
“The full-scale exercise will test and assess emergency operations functions, and emergency response capabilities, at the local and state level,” Jeff Caldwell, spokesman for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, wrote in a news release. “The exercise will be evaluated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).”
Caldwell added biennial testing of both nuclear power plants in Virginia run by Dominion Energy is required by FEMA and the nuclear regulatory commission.
Another reason for the test? To prepare local, state and federal resources for different scenarios such as a hostile situation where someone could attempt to take over the nuclear plant or a natural disaster like a hurricane or a mechanical failure at the plant, Caldwell said.
In this case, the Surry Power Plant Station in Surry County.
“All of the players that would be part of the actual response if something were to take place at those facilities,” Caldwell, adding the fictional scenario and those participating will be graded on their coordinated response.
The test typically starts around 9 a.m. and will run form the early morning to the early afternoon.
“Within 90 days, FEMA will send its evaluation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for use in licensing decisions,” Caldwell wrote. “The final report will be available to the public approximately 120 days after the exercise.”