In the wake of last month’s mass shooting at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center — and amongst the aftermath — some police and first responders around Hampton Roads are scheduling active shooter trainings.
The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office is following suit.
The sheriff’s office will hold an active shooter survival training — Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events, or CRASE — on July 16 at the sheriff’s office, 301 Goodwin Neck Road.
The training will run from 6-8 p.m. and cover the avoid, deny, defend method for surviving active shooter situations, according to a Facebook event page. The training will also provide strategies, guidance and a plan for surviving.
Training leaders will also explain the history of active shooter events, civilian response options, medical issues and information on conducting drills.
After the initial event, the sheriff’s office will host more training sessions, including CRASE and Refuse to be a Victim personal safety classes.
Refuse to be a Victim is a crime prevention program by the National Rifle Association. It teaches tips and techniques for travel security, automobile security, home security, mental preparedness, and more.
Dates for the upcoming training sessions include:
- Refuse to be a Victim: 6 p.m. Aug. 13
- CRASE: 6 p.m. Sept. 17
- Refuse to be a Victim: 6 p.m.Nov. 12
More information can be found on the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office events page on Facebook.
Those interested in signing up should email