The Planning Commission this month is set to discuss and consider a variety of items, from a Wawa, to rental of rooms on Ironbound Road, to an Hampton Roads Sanitation District plant expansion.
The commission will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the County Government Center Board Room, 101 Mounts Bay Road.
The agenda lists five public hearings on various issues, including a proposal for a Wawa gas station in Lightfoot.
RELATED STORY: A Wawa gas station may be coming to this Williamsburg-area intersection
The full agenda and associated documents can be found on the Planning Commission agenda, but here are some highlights from the agenda:
The fifth and final public hearing item on the agenda is for a Wawa gas station proposed for 6446 Richmond Road.
The Wawa would be built on two adjacent parcels in Lightfoot. One parcel is in York County, and the other in James City County.
The York County Planning Commission recommended approval of the application to the Board of Supervisors Jan. 9.
The 5,850-square-foot Wawa would take the place of an Exxon gas station currently situated on the corner lot. It would have six gas pumps.
A James City County planning staff report says the proposal is favorable for several factors: it will not impact the surrounding zoning and development, meets the county Comprehensive Plan for “mixed use” property, and passes the Adequate Transportation Facilities Test.
The staff report found one unfavorable factor regarding the site’s visual impacts in the area.
“Staff does not find that the visual impacts to this entry corridor have been mitigated through enhanced architectural design, signage and landscaping requirements that have been approved by the Board of Supervisors in previous applications,” the report says.
James City County planning staff recommend the Planning Commission deny the application because of the visual impacts that have not been mitigated.
Other public hearings
- A special use permit for a contractor’s office and equipment storage for Luxterra Electric Inc. as an independent electrical contractor at 121 Leisure Road. — Staff recommends approval.
- A special use permit for the construction of a 3939-square foot detached accessory apartment to be occupied by a property owner’s family member at 115 Constance Avenue. — Staff recommends approval.
- A special use permit to allow for the short-term rental of up to two bedrooms in an owner-occupied single-family home at 3020 Ironbound Road. — Staff recommends approval.
- Rezoning to amend a condition of adopted proffers for Powhatan Terrace to allow a minimum of three affordable units to be offered for rent rather than sale. — Staff recommends approval.
HRSD treatment plant expansion
The Planning Commission will also consider an HRSD Treatment Plant Expansion within the Carter’s Grove agricultural and forestal district.
According to agenda documents, HRSD has said it requires additional land by its Williamsburg Treatment Plant to add advanced treatment facilities.
Advanced water treatment and aquifer recharge facilities will help reuse treated wastewater, rather than discharging it into the James River as the treatment plant is now.
HRSD plans to acquire an adjacent parcel for the facilities, but only intends to use about seven acres of the 76-acre property.
Before constructing any new facilities on the property, HRSD would need to apply to withdraw the property from the agricultural and forestal district, a district designation that protects rural land from development.
Planning staff recommend the Planning Commission find the proposal necessary “ to provide service to the public in the most economical and practical manner and that it will not have an unreasonably adverse effect upon state or local policy.”