With dozens of headlines every week, it’s easy to miss some here and there. Get in on the conversation.
Staying motivated in 2019
Did you make a New Year’s resolution about improving your fitness? You’re not alone. Avoid common mistakes and learn how to stay motivated in the new year. READ MORE.
Equal rights for all
Virginia might be the 38th state to ratify the Equal Right Amendment, which would make gender discrimination illegal. Congress approved the ratification of the ERA in 1972 but it’s unclear if the amendment can be revived. READ MORE.
Stopping youth violence with grants
Nonprofit organizations can receive up to $20,000 in city grants to help prevent youth violence. The deadline to apply is Feb. 12. READ MORE.
This city will give nonprofits money for youth violence prevention programs
DUIs around New Year’s
Check out number of DUI arrests from local police departments across the Peninsula. The data is from New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. READ MORE.
How many people got arrested for DUI on New Year’s across the Peninsula?
City transportation hub delayed
This city’s plan for a new transportation center has been in the works since 2012. So why is the project still in the design phase? READ MORE.
This project has been in the design phase for nearly six years. Here’s why