Williamsburg-James City County students can relax and enjoy what’s left of the snow now that the school division has announced there won’t be any changes to the calendar to make-up for the snow days on Dec. 10 and 11.
On Friday, WJCC schools announced that a portion of the division’s banked time, which is time already built into the calendar that exceeds the required 990 instructional hour minimum, will be used to offset instructional days that were missed, according to the division’s website.
This means there will be no additional days added for make-up days because the school already exceeds the 990 hours, said Eileen Cox, spokeswoman for WJCC.
The school’s calendar has already been adjusted twice this instructional year to provide make-up days for Hurricanes Florence and Michael. In the fall, Cox said the division used make-up days to account for the lost time so that banked time could be saved for inclement winter weather.
The division would like to remind students and families that there will be a half-day on Jan. 24 to make up for the lost time during Hurricane Michael.
If inclement weather continues to impact instructional time, a combination of banked time and make-up days will be used.
York County Public Schools have not announced a make-up date as of Friday.