Hotels sold
The sale closed on Aug. 31. and generated more than a dozen separate deeds, detailing the sales of the hotels, park, retail, bridge, and parking garages. READ MORE.
The suit seeks to recover the city’s costs and financial impacts resulting from the opioid epidemic. READ MORE.
Before you give
While there are many legitimate organizations that provide relief to disaster victims, there are also many con artists that will use the phone, e-mail, U.S. Postal Service, the internet, or personal contact to try to get your money. READ MORE.
Here are a few tips you should consider before giving money to disaster relief
Money for schools
In fiscal year 2018 — from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018 — the Virginia Lottery reported ticket sales of $2.1 billion. READ MORE.
BB gun
Police said “a three-tiered investigation is being conducted by the Department’s Investigative Division/Homicide Unit, the Internal Affairs Division and the Office of the Commonwealth Attorney.” READ MORE.
Other stories people were talking about:
Local engineers develop virtual reality tool to help treat chest wall deformities in children
A team of students and faculty at Old Dominion University has developed a 3D scanning tool to track improvement of chest deformities that’s so extraordinary it has attracted the attention of hospitals in Korea, China and France. READ MORE.
Here’s what you need to know about diet scams and how to avoid them
Kathlin Gordon, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at Sentara Careplex Hospital, said most people want easy, fast results when it comes to weight loss. READ MORE.