Deeper, wider
The Norfolk Harbor and its channels are currently 50 feet deep, according to the Corps of Engineers. However, the dredging project will take the channels to 55 feet deep and widen the channels to allow for two-way traffic of ultra-large container vessels. READ MORE.
Flash danger
While fatalities because of lightning strikes are minimal – there have been only three in the state during the past 10 years – it doesn’t negate the danger lightning poses. READ MORE.
July is the most dangerous month for lightning strikes. Here’s why
Beach Breach Weekly
Authorities are asking anyone with information about any of these people to contact Virginia Beach Crime Solvers. Here’s last week’s list.
School safety
After a thorough review of data from two community meetings, an online town hall, school tours and staff interviews, the panel presented its 11 recommendations to the School Board. READ MORE.
Remember that Blue Ribbon panel in April to address school safety? Here are their recommendations
Not the first choice
One reason the aquarium went nearly a year without an official director is because a different candidate — from Canada — was originally offered the job as aquarium director nearly six months ago. READ MORE.
Other stories people were talking about:
Cold beer and warm welcome: This is The Taphouse Grill in Ghent
After 23 years, new owners, professional photographer Adelaide Rooney and ODU engineering graduate, Parker Harrington, have taken over. Along with them come a bounty of new ideas soldered steadfast to the pub’s sociable past. READ MORE.
‘Uptown Funk’ Norfolk Police style (Video)
Norfolk Police is now challenging other departments. READ MORE.