Dive into the history of chocolate and the British Royal Court on Tuesday in Colonial Williamsburg.
Author Polly Putnam will present an hour-long talk on “Chocolate Drinking in the Royal Court” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Hennage Auditorium at the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.
Putnam is also the curator for the Historic Royal Palaces collections and responsible for Hampton Court and Kew palaces in the United Kingdom.
The British Royal Court first ate chocolate under the reign of Charles I, but it became more common under Charles II, then William and Mary, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation said.
Drinking chocolate grew into a “highlight of the courtly experience,” and became associated with royalty itself after being enjoyed so often by the royal court.
The talk is open to those with tickets to Colonial Williamsburg or the Art Museums and is accessible through the Public Hospital of 1773 at 325 Francis St. West.