Rain or shine, the James City County/Williamsburg Master Gardener Association is hosting its annual plant sale this weekend.
Locals can purchase an array of plants and other items from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 21 at the Historic Triangle Community Center, 312 Waller Mill Road, in Williamsburg, the gardening group said.
Items for sale include annuals, perennials, shrubs, flower baskets, herbs and vegetable plants.
The association also will host “Grow It & Eat It” demonstrations, which highlight good gardening practices for herbs and vegetables.
Experienced Virginia Cooperative Extension master gardeners will be available to answer questions, the group said, adding that “the public can bring their plant samples, photos and questions to the Help Desk’s on-site diagnostic team.”
Work done by master gardener volunteers is based on research from Virginia Tech and Virginia State University.
The majority of the plants are grown and contributed by the master gardeners, said Angela Cingale, master gardeners publicity chairman, in a news release.