This week we explored what a proposed federal regulation could mean for restaurant waiters and their tip earnings. The regulation would allow restaurant owners to decide how tips are divided between waiters and other members of staff, if they pay their serving staff the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. READ MORE
We also interviewed a 27-year-old entrepreneur from the North End of Virginia Beach who has crafted a new hot sauce using one of the world’s hottest peppers — the Carolina Reaper. Using a mixture of sweet onions, apples and local honey, Nick van Goidtsnoven aimed to tame the Carolina Reaper, resulting in a sauce that’s full of “sweet heat.” READ MORE
It’s been a blustery weekend, but flowers are beginning to bloom and spring is on the way. Soon, Southsiders will be trading out their winter coats for swimsuits and hitting the beach. But how will they get there? We explored some of the ways locals can travel to the Oceanfront — and what it could cost them in time and money. READ MORE
Doing any last-minute movie watching before tonight’s 2018 Academy Awards? We’ve found a spoiler site you might enjoy. It’s called Does the Dog Die, and it will not only tell you if a dog dies in the movie, it will also tell you if a cat or horse dies, whether or not there are bugs, snakes or rats, and if there are clowns in the movie, all things that tend to be disquieting to a good portion of the population. READ MORE
Soon the Chesapeake Bay will welcome new residents — 10 billion of them. Twenty organizations in Virginia and Maryland are partnering together for a massive oyster restoration project that aims to bring 10 billion new oysters to the Bay by 2025. Scientists believe that 150 years ago, there were more than 1 trillion oysters in the Chesapeake Bay. Now, they say those numbers are likely fewer than 10 billion. READ MORE