VIRGINIA BEACH — Some Virginia Beach residents are upset about tidal and stormwater flooding affecting their neighborhoods — and the $300 million, 15-year plan to mitigate the issue.
City council passed a resolution in an 8-1 Tuesday directing City Manager Dave Hansen to find efficiencies and streamline stormwater capital project delivery — a process that could shave time off the clock.
Hansen will report updates quarterly to council members on the projects
“The resolution also directs the city manager to pursue all avenues available within current budget restraints to expedite stormwater project delivery,” the agenda item stated.
According to the resolution, if Hansen can find the funds to accelerate or modify delivery for these projects during the fiscal year, he could present how it could be done to city council. Council could then vote to re-appropriate the funds.
Council members Rosemary Wilson, James Wood, John Urhin and Shannon Kane requested the resolution.
Council member John Moss was the single vote against the resolution. He explained that after reading the city manager’s job description, he found the position already calls to optimize the budget and give periodic updates on big projects.
“We’re passing a resolution to tell the city manager to do what his job is,” Moss said. “I don’t believe in tasking people to do their jobs.”
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