Monday, September 9, 2024

Peninsula police participate in national drug take-back initiative

The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office, the James City County Police Department and the Williamsburg Police Department -- in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Agency -- will host drug take-back events Saturday, April 29. (Courtesy JCCPD)
The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office, the James City County Police Department and the Williamsburg Police Department — in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Agency — will host drug take-back events Saturday, April 29. (Courtesy JCCPD)

Police want to help you clear out your medicine cabinet.

The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office, the James City County Police Department and the Williamsburg Police Department — in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Agency — will host drug take-back events Saturday, April 29, according to separate press releases.

The events will allow residents to dispose of their unused, unwanted or expired prescription drugs. Residents can turn in their medication anonymously and freely, with no questions asked.

The DEA cannot accept needles, sharps or liquids. Pills and patches are acceptable.

The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office will be hosting their take-back at the D.A.R.E. office in Washington Square Shopping Center. James City County Police will accept unwanted drugs at the James City County Law Enforcement Center at 4600 Opportunity Way, and Williamsburg residents can turn in drugs at the Williamsburg Police Department at 425 Armistead Avenue. Each event will be held between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday.

The events are a part of the DEA’s National Take-Back Initiative. Americans turned in more than 730,000 pounds of unwanted prescription drugs in October during the DEA’s most recent drug take-back. The DEA and state and local police departments join forces to operate more than 9,000 take-back sites across the country.

“This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue,” stated the Sheriff’s Office release. “Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse.”

The release also said rates of prescription abuse are “alarmingly high,” and the majority of abused prescription drugs come from family and friends. Disposing of prescription drugs by throwing them in the trash or flushing them down the toilet may pose health risks, the release stated. 

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