The York County Board of Supervisors will host a public hearing at 7 p.m. Thursday on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
The hearing is a chance for the public to share thoughts with the supervisors regarding the proposed $132.5 million budget. Unlike the last two budgets, this budget, which runs from July 1 through the end of June 2015, does not include a proposed property tax rate increase. That tax is the primary local generator of revenue for the county’s budget.
The budget remains largely unchanged from last year, with the $2.4 million in spending increases projected to be handled by projected revenue increases, primarily due to new construction. Of the new spending, about $1 million goes toward the cost of giving employees a raise, while another $880,000 represents an increased contribution to the York County School Division.
The remaining approximately $600,000 in increased spending includes more money for public safety and for services for citizens who need health, financial and other forms of assistance.
The increased $880,000 in funding for YCSD is at odds with the $2.9 million in increased funding requested by the York County School Board in the budget they passed in March. Chief among the school board’s complaints is they say they will not be able to give their employees a comparable 3 percent raise unless they receive more than the $880,000 from the county.
At several points the board has discussed increased costs YCSD faces in the form of textbook replacements, maintaining the existing technology infrastructure and hiring new teachers to handle a projected enrollment increase of 190 students in the 2014-2015 school year.
Since the school board passed its budget, the supervisors have said the school board needs to prioritize, citing the $4.6 million in new revenue projected to be flowing to YCSD during the upcoming fiscal year. An increase in funding to the schools would not be possible without either raising the tax rate or cutting spending elsewhere in the budget.
View the full proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year here. YCSD’s budget for the upcoming school year can be viewed here.
The supervisors are scheduled to vote to adopt their budget at their May 6 meeting. Prior to that, there are work sessions scheduled for April 29 and May 1.
The hearing is open to the public and begins at 7 p.m. Thursday at York Hall. Citizens can also share their thoughts on the proposed budget by emailing or by calling the hotline at 890-3220.
Related Coverage:
- Parents, Teachers Talk YCSD Budget Issues at Community Meeting
- York Supervisors Face Impending Deadline on Whether to Consider Tax Rate Increase
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- Proposed York Budget Keeps Taxes Level, Offers 3 Percent Raise for Employees
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