WILLIAMSBURG — Recently released data from the 2023-24 administration of Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments shows Williamsburg James City County Schools (WJCC Schools) made performance gains in all subject areas and performance in each subject area exceeded state averages, the school division announced.
“Ours is a story of growth,” said WJCC Schools Superintendent Olwen Herron. “I am proud of our students’ achievement and appreciate the thoughtful dedication of teachers, staff, and school leaders who made these gains a reality.”
In addition to student achievement, all 16 schools are fully accredited, the division announced, adding the division’s “chronic absenteeism rate” — the rate of students who are absent for 10% or more of the school year — dropped from 16.2% to 10.6%, trending lower than the state chronic absenteeism rate.
According to the School Quality Profile, examples of growth reported across student groups include:
- English pass rates among Black students grew nearly 3%
- Math pass rates among Black students and English Language Learner (ELL) students grew 3%
- Science pass rates among Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged students and Black students all grew 5%
“I’m excited to see the hard work of our students and staff is paying off, and I recognize we still have work to do,” Herron said. “We affirm our commitment to pursue excellence and champion the success of all students.”