YORK COUNTY — The York 2040 Steering Committee, the group tasked with putting together the County’s long range comprehensive plan, will have its monthly meeting at 5 p.m. on March 4 at the York County Senior Center, 5314 George Washington Memorial Hwy.
The committee will hear two presentations on the benefits of land conservancy from local experts Patrice Sadler of the Historic Virginia Land Conservancy and Melissa L. Sadler of the American Battlefield Trust, respectively.
York County’s Comprehensive Plan is the long-range plan for the County’s physical development. The Code of Virginia requires that the plans address subjects such as land use, transportation, housing, public facilities. Plans must be reviewed every five years.
According to the committee website, citizen input is an important part of the review process. To help with that a “Steering Committee” is formed to ensure that information flows freely between citizens, stakeholders and County Staff.
“This committee will oversee the review process, studying information and data, collecting and reviewing citizen input, and working with staff to develop the County’s updated Comprehensive Plan, Charting the Course to 2040.”
For more information on the committee, the process or the past comprehensive plans, go to the Charting the Course website.
To find the agenda for this month’s meeting or past meetings, click here.