STATEWIDE — The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) announced on Jan. 5 that $40 million in grants were available through the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund.
The grant money is designed to address the effects of recurrent flooding, sea level rise and extreme weather. It is funded by the sale of carbon emission allowances under the Regional Green House Gas Initiative.
The flood preparedness fund helps coastal localities with the implementation of Virginia’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan and enables localities across Virginia to increase their capacity to develop flood mitigation and prevention projects.
This is the third round of funding for this grant. The first two rounds of funding were awarded in October and December of 2021 respectively.
All applications for this round are due no later than 4 p.m. on April 8, 2022.
Information about the fund, eligibility rules, application procedures and instructions are available in the fund’s grant manual, which is posted on the DCR website.