The York County School Division will see a slight reduction in state funding for the coming year, but administrators are confident the district’s budget will balance out.
The state budget passed by the General Assembly in June provides $40,210 less in funding than the amount estimated in the district’s proposed budget for 2014-2015, according to YCSD Chief Financial Officer Dennis Jarrett. Due to the extended debate over the state budget, YCSD worked with figures from ex-Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proposed budget.
Despite the cut in state funding, Jarrett said the district would be able to make up the difference through other means. The state budget also lowers the amount districts are required to contribute to group life insurance and retiree health care credit. The lowered requirements essentially made up for the $40,210 reduction in state funding.
“Lowering that rate in the final budget offset the reduction in state revenue,” Jarrett said.
The $40,210 figure is less than county officials predicted the cut could have been. In a July 15 York County Board of Supervisors meeting, County Administrator James McReynolds said the reduction in state funding could be as high as $550,000. After consulting with the school division, however, both organizations agreed the smaller amount was more likely.
“Based on the numbers we have gotten from the state, that’s how it appears at the moment,” McReynolds said.
The decrease in state funding is the latest turn in a series of budget battles that have affected YCSD. In May, the district was forced to amend its proposed budget when the York County Board of Supervisors voted to contribute $2 million less in county funding than the district had requested.
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