Williamsburg City Council during a a recent meeting approved seven Tourism Development Fund grants, including for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and the city’s Parks & Recreation Department on Nov. 14.
Downtown Parking Lots Improvements, City of Williamsburg- $750,000 (FY 2020)
- The grant will be used to improve the P2, P4 and P5 parking lots if the city and Colonial Williamsburg create a management and leasing contract by June 30, 2020. If not, the funds will roll-over into the general tourism funds.
Henry Street Restroom Renovations, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation – $350,000 (FY 2020)
- The restrooms will be open to the public and must be complete by Dec. 31, 2020 for Colonial Williamsburg Foundation to get reimbursed.
Kiwanis Park, Williamsburg Parks & Recreation Department – $529,152 (FY 2020)
- There is a planned reserve of $670,847 for FY21 for a total $1.2 million to complete the fourth lighted field.
Wayfinding signs, Williamsburg Economic Development Authority – $250,000
- This grant is for the design and installation of a wayfinding signage system.
City Square Plaza, Williamsburg Regional Library – $10,000
- This grant is for more furniture for the plaza.
New stage, Parks & Recreation Department – $100,000
- This grant is for a portable stage available for use in the city.
Indoor Spots Complex – $250,000 (FY 2020)
- In FY 2021, there is more reserved funds of $250,000 in FY21 for building design, $800,000 in FY22 to pay the Tourism Development Fund share of debt service during construction and $1.15 million in FY23 and FY24 to pay the fund share of the debt service after construction.
The Tourism Development Grant Review committee will meet in the first quarter of 2020.
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