The York County School Board canceled a Monday work session, putting in its stead a special meeting to discuss options and potential candidates for the District 4 seat left vacant by the death of Page Minter last week.
Katherine Goff, community and public relations coordinator for the York County School Division, said the school board board did not have enough items on the agenda to warrant a work session.
However, with a 45-day deadline looming to either name an interim or leave the seat vacant, the school board will discuss its options Monday, likely behind closed doors.
The appointment must be a qualified voter living in the district and would serve until a special election, likely in November, names a successor for the remaining three years of Minter’s four-year term.
School Board Chairman Dr. Robert George said the special meeting will start in open session to discuss whether the school board wants to appoint an interim. Both options are available to the board.
George said if the school board elects to appoint an interim the meeting will then go into closed session to discuss possible candidates.
“As far as what we’re going to do, there’s pros and cons. Not appointing an interim wouldn’t be a gamechanger. We can function fine until November,” George said.
The vacant seat represents the tiebreaking vote for the five-member board, however, George noted the board always shoots for consensus when making business decisions.
George said he does not know how many candidates would be considered, but if multiple candidates are being considered, the school board could form a questionnaire and meet individually with each candidate.
George said he did not anticipate any formal action Monday night to name an interim.
Additionally, the court would have the option to appoint if the school board decides not to appoint an interim in the 45-day time frame; George said the board would not want to lose the option of making an appointment themselves.
The board’s next regular meeting is scheduled April 25, which could see formal action on the appointment.
As far as the special election, the county sent a petition to the York-Poquoson Circuit Court requesting the special election to coincide with the special election to fill late state Sen. John Miller’s seat in the General Assembly.
Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Thursday that election will take place Nov. 8, Election Day. State law allows a special election to join a general election but not a primary election.
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