Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Grove Christian Outreach Center Celebrates the Joys of the Season with Grove Families

Santa and Mrs. Claus with children from the Grove community. (Photo: Grove Christian Outreach Center)

JAMES CITY COUNTY — Grove Christian Outreach Center celebrated the joys of the season with Grove families at its Llama Llama Christmas Fiesta party Wednesday, Dec. 6.

The annual Christmas shoebox giveaway party had a new twist this year, as children were given a decorated but empty shoebox to fill up with what they wanted from a wide selection of small, shoebox-sized toys, books, and more, according to the center.

Kiwanis Colonial Capital Club (KCCC) purchased the “official” book for every household, giving away “The Little Bell Who Wouldn’t Ring” and “Llama Llama Jingle Bells.”

Every child also received a stuffed animal donated by Petsmart and United Way of the Virginia Peninsula, coordinated by Bob Tubbs, Founder of Virginia Animal Protection and longtime supporter of Grove Christian Outreach Center.

Grove Outreach volunteers. (Photo: Grove Christian Outreach Center)

New this year was the Outreach Center’s pajama drive which echoed the Llama Llama Christmas Pajamas theme.

The Outreach Center said it gave away more than 350 pajamas and shoeboxes.

Gingie the Gingerbread Man, courtesy of Busch Gardens Christmastown, made an appearance, as did Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Grove neighbors told the Outreach Center they were grateful for the fun kid-centered event where they were the focus of all the fun, with several long-time neighbors saying it was the best one yet.

Gingie the Gingerbread Man. (Photo: Grove Christian Outreach Center)

“ On the [locally based Spanish speaking station] radio they said to Grove Christian Outreach Center, we thank from the bottom of our hearts all the families that were able to spend time with us,” Grove neighbors told Daniel Cruz, Food Ministry Assistant, who also serves as a translator for the many neighbors who speak Spanish.

Cruz added that he enjoys his job at the Outreach Center, particularly helping kids fill their shoeboxes, adding that it brings him joy to help those who face language barriers get the help they need and spread the cheer of the season.

JCC Parks and Recreation handed out cocoa and cookies and the Gideons gave small bibles in English and Spanish and a small Bible study guide. The Good News Club helped with crafts and handed out llama tattoos.

Shoebox toys were donated by local churches and other organizations including Williamsburg Community Chapel, Williamsburg Latter Day Saints, Guernsey Tingle Architects, Primis, Wilkinson YMCA, Kingsmill, and St Olaf’s Catholic Church Williamsburg.

Donations of pajamas were received from Eastside Church, Ford’s Colony — Hollinwell
street neighbors, St. Olaf, and Williamsburg Community Chapel, as well as many individuals throughout Williamsburg.

To learn more, read WYDaily’s coverage of the Outreach Center or visit the Grove Christian Outreach Center’s webpage.

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