HISTORIC TRIANGLE — “Ten Questions with” is a series that allows readers to get to know local business leaders, volunteers and community members in the Historic Triangle.
This week, meet Jacob Gibbons of Kerri’s Fight.
What is your job title and description?
Currently, I fill the roles of President and Treasurer on the Board of Directors of Kerri’s Fight Inc.
As the President of the Board, my job is to identify organizational opportunities and obstacles, develop plans of action accordingly, and ensure proper execution of those plans, all in the best interest of our mission, our constituency, and our donors.
As the Treasurer of Kerri’s Fight, one of the most rewarding parts of my job is to issue grants to the families we support during their battle with cancer. My other responsibilities as Treasurer include presenting reports to the Board, keeping accurate and timely accounts of organizational funds, producing budgets, and conceiving innovative solutions to fill the organization’s financial needs.
How do you/your organization interact with the local community?
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting single mothers fighting breast cancer, we organize fundraising events open to the public. By partnering with local businesses, community leaders, and dedicated volunteers, the funds we raise from donations and sponsorships at these events are utilized to further our capacity for impact through our programs.
Who do you interact/work with on a regular basis?
I am privileged to interact with other board members, local corporate partners, the public, private donors, and other nonprofit organizations in the WJCC area. At Kerri’s Fight, we believe transparency and teamwork are imperative to achieving our mission. So, we try to include and leverage all available talent to achieve our goals.
What is the best way to work with you/your organization?
Our website! Go check out our backstory, recipients’ impact statements, event schedule, or donate and volunteer, all at kerrisfight.org or visit the Facebook page.
How do you define success?
Success to me is a constant practice. I define success as the capacity of a person to challenge themselves consistently enough that the pain associated with growth becomes desirable. Over time, all excuses, complaints, and apprehensions are forgotten. It is at this point one breaks all conception of what they have been capable of in the past and becomes limitless in the now. Mastering this process throughout life as a walking meditation is my definition of success.
What is your most successful accomplishment to date?
My most successful accomplishment to date is personally drafting, submitting, and receiving approval for the Kerri’s Fight Inc. Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and IRS nonprofit status.
How long have you lived/worked in the Historic Triangle?
I was born at the Williamsburg Community Hospital and lived in the historic triangle most of my life. My life here has only been interrupted by brief intermissions going between college and professional endeavors. On these endeavors, I have traveled to Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Florida, Georgia, and Okinawa.
What is your favorite part of being in the Historic Triangle?
My favorite part of being in the Historic Triangle is the climate near the water. Having lived in Florida, one might expect I enjoy the water there more. And though it is beautiful there, I need four seasons. Watching the leaves change, the snowfall, and then melt again gives me renewed life every spring.
What do you do for downtime/to relax?
I enjoy cooking out with family and friends over an open fire. Fishing and boating on the Chesapeake Bay are a classic family favorite. And if the planning isn’t too intensive, I love to travel.
What is the next step in your journey?
As Kerri’s Fight continues to grow and provide support to more people, we look forward to new and exciting partnerships to strengthen the impact of our work. Currently, we are looking for more corporate partners to host events and help us support single mothers in a great time of need. Visit our website to inquire how you can help!
Do you want to learn more about your community and the people who live and work in the Historic Triangle? We are looking for people with interesting jobs, super volunteers, or community leaders to showcase. Reach out to let us know if you (or someone you know) would like to be considered for Ten Questions.