Thursday, September 19, 2024

WRL Launches New Teen Room with Summer Events

The new teen room at the James City County Library.

WILLIAMSBURG — Williamsburg Regional Library (WRL) recently launched its new teen room at the James City County Library, with a variety of teen programs scheduled throughout the summer.

Thanks to funding from the Friends of WRL Foundation, the teen room features technology including a virtual whiteboard, Nintendo Switches and an arcade game table; a collaborative workspace; a magnetic poetry wall; board games and crafts; and comfortable study and lounge seating. The Young Adult book collection has also been moved adjacent to the teen room for easier access to reading material.

“We just recently opened the space and teens are already using it to connect, play, study, and have a place they can call their own in the library,” said Library Director Betsy Fowler. “The Kiwanis Kids Idea Studio, a space in the same building where younger kids can learn, read, and explore, has been a great success and we wanted to offer teens the same opportunity.”

The teen room, open to teens ages 13 and older during library hours, is the focus of special teen-only programs this summer including Teens Night Out every Friday night after regular library hours, anime films and related activities, a video game tournament, crafts, and more.

“Our goal is to create engaging spaces in the library for readers of all ages, so everyone always feels as though they have a special place to call their own,” Fowler said. “This is how our youngest library visitors transition into being lifelong readers and library users.”

For more information on events, dates and times happening at WRL, visit its webpage.  

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