Saturday, September 7, 2024

Botanical Garden Seeking Vendors for Fall Fundraiser

The Williamsburg Botanical Garden is located in Freedom Park in James City County. (Courtesy Peggy Krapf)
The Williamsburg Botanical Garden is located in Freedom Park in James City County. (Courtesy Peggy Krapf)

Local artists and craftspersons are invited to take part in the upcoming “Art in the Garden” fall fundraising initiative at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden.

This annual event is one of the major fundraisers for the botanical garden. The main attraction is the plant sale, which will feature hundreds of varieties of native plants, rare plants, butterfly attracting plants, landscaping plants and fall mums.

This year there will also be a wide selection of perennials that have been taken from the botanical garden in anticipation of their upcoming renovations.

“We’re redoing the perennial garden to feature every perennial that’s ever been named ‘perennial of the year’ [by the national Perennial Plant Association],” said Peggy Krapf, a volunteer for the garden. “Some of the plants we have in our perennial garden right now don’t fit with that theme, so we’re digging them up, potting them and selling them at the plant sale.”

Proceeds from the plant sale will go toward general maintenance and upkeep of the garden.

The fundraiser will also have space for up to 20 artists and craftspersons who wish to sell garden, botanical and nature-themed items. For $50, each vendor will get a 10×10 space in which to set up and sell their wares.

In the past, successful vendors have included those selling nature photography, bird houses, natural and plant-based lotions and decorative garden knick-knacks.

The plant sale is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 26. There is no deadline for vendor registration, but space is limited to 20 plots so event organizers advise acting quickly.

“Hundreds of people have come out to this event in the past,” Krapf said. “And it just gets better and better every year.”

Artists interested in snagging a spot should contact Peggy Krapf at 757-566-9088 or

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